Amplifying value propositions, with leading-edge brands
The world evolves as we speak. At a pace, that is probably unprecedented. With the consumer landscape metamorphosing with alacrity, companies have to constantly improve their offerings to protect marketshare. Partnering with industry players to sustain their growth is our onus as well as a prime focus. Well-entrenched, through decades of global exposure, Aditya Birla Advanced Materials has built and curated a range of leading-edge brands- Epotec, CeTePox, Recyclamine and Briozen. Manufactured in modern state-of-the-art manufacturing plants, quality adherence is stringent to fulfil even the most exacting global standards. Regulatory compliance is mandated proactively, with an agenda to stay a few notches higher.
Avant-garde research and application development labs help us partner with customers to formulate systems & solutions, processes & methodologies that are best suited for the unique needs of their specific applications. Primary applications that feed and move production lines. Mission-critical applications where margin for error is none. New-age applications that employ contemporary technologies. Innovating applications to build prototypes for emerging markets. Whichever the application, wherever the location and whatever the ground challenges, we are geared to help industries stride towards better frontiers and empower companies to sustain their competitive edge.
